2011 has been a truly fantastic year for me, in fact I feel blessed with the way things have transpired.
I always seem to start New Years in the same fashion, scabbling together long lists of resolutions and things I want to achieve. My big one for 2011 was to take some time out and focus on my photography. I had been working so hard and really need to fill a creative void in my life.
Having been recently married, I'd fallen in love with the incredible world of wedding photography I'd been introduced to. I decided to take my first steps in January, taking my beautiful friends Charlie and James out for an Engagement Shoot.
Having been recently married, I'd fallen in love with the incredible world of wedding photography I'd been introduced to. I decided to take my first steps in January, taking my beautiful friends Charlie and James out for an Engagement Shoot.
Charlie and James proved to be my muses as, when they were finally tied the knot in May, I was lucky enough to grab some photos in between Best man duties.
After hovering over the send button for quite a while I took the leap of faith and sent the photos to the gorgeous Kat at Rock'n'Roll Bride. That feature just opened things up and the enquiries just kept coming!
The rest of the year has been a wonderful journey, photographing some beautiful weddings all over the country and taking me on some amazing highs interspersed with a few lows. I have learnt a hell of a lot, not just regarding my trade, but about life, myself and the people around me.

The main reason I chose wedding photography was to try and replicate the feeling I got when I first received our wedding photos. The memories of that day will stay with me forever. To be able to give that gift to other people is a most wonderful thing.
Without a doubt the shoot that means the most to me is the one I did for my dear friends Sandeep & Selina. Having come to Brighton for a wedding, they'd asked if I was available to do a little couple shoot for them.
The shoot meant so much because not only was it their 1st wedding anniversary, but Sandeep had also been diagnosed with having cancer. A day of rain and clouds gave way to a beautiful afternoon of sunshine and laughter, one I feel blessed to have been part of. Seven weeks later Sandeep sadly lost his battle. He was a truly beautiful soul, loved by everyone who met him. Testament to that was the sheer number of people that attended his funeral. One of his biggest attributes was the way he lifted those around him, even in his darkest days he did everything he could to make everyone else feel special.
My biggest honour was to be able to give those photos before Sandeep left us. I was told at his funeral that Sandeep loved them so much, his favourite one was laid to rest with him.

Nothing has had such a profound effect on me. To be able to give people memories like that to cherish makes this the best job I could ever do.
We've finished the year in a lovely little cottage in Cornwall, just me and Emily. As I sit here thinking of new resolutions and things I want to achieve, I already know 2012 is going to be my biggest year yet!
Little Bubba Squires due 17th July 2012 (formerly known as my birthday!!!)